
Core Strength Blog...

Achy knees and hips

Achy knees and hips

Got achy knees and hips?  Look to your ITB’s!   Your ‘iliotibial band’.  The muscle that runs down the side of your thighs. These are tight in most...

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Twisting Waist Exercise

Twisting Waist Exercise

My husband thinks I’m getting taller.  Obviously not.  Or I’d be a freak of nature. His training is all about heavy, heavy weights.  Which works...

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Aching Lower Back

Aching Lower Back

I used to have a little chuckle to myself when I saw gardening ads for strap on knee pads.  Designed for people with hip issues who had to kneel...

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Tight Shoulders and Neck?

Tight Shoulders and Neck?

Getting headaches? Tight shoulders and neck? Or spent too much time hunched over the computer?  Try this lat muscle, trigger point release...

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Why Stretch After A Workout

Why Stretch After A Workout

“The floors TOO hard” I said to my Yoga Teacher.  Then looked around and saw everyone else sitting on the floor in blissful comfort! I could barely...

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Achy Legs & Feet?

Achy Legs & Feet?

I haven’t worn heels since 2016.  Basically since I arrived in Bali.  I cringe when I see women here wearing them.  If you’ve been here, you’d...

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