Tight neck muscles? Too much time in front of the computer?
When I first got excited about starting an online business, I completely ignored the fact that it would entail hours sitting in front of a screen! ...
How to stay motivated to workout…
My husband rides 30 minutes in hardcore tourist-filled traffic to get to his gym. My girlfriend gets up at 5am to get to her 6am Yoga Class. And I...
Why routines are important. Especially after 50!
I grew up in a loud family. My Mum and Dad would argue like cat & dog. But the minute dinner guests arrived at home, which was often when I...
Getting sore back muscles? Look to your CORE!
I’m an avid gardener. It’s my ‘happy place’. Well it’s one of them! I get it off my Mum…she’s 86 (at the time of writing this) and still on the...
No time to workout? Try this….
I cycled 20 minutes in the dark. Did a 1 hour aerobics class. Cycled home. Showered. Ate…quickly. Then jumped in the car for the 30-40 min...
Feeling stiff, tight & achy? Release your fascia!
1978. My girlfriend and I were John Travolta obsessed! Both of our bedroom walls were covered in pouting, strutting images of Mr Travolta. All of...
Over 50? Get a few balance ball exercises in your routine!
The footpaths in Ubud are an exercise in balance, flexibility, agility and keeping your wits about you! Gaping holes, slippery hazards, gravel,...
Urgh! Belly Fat! 4 Steps To Reduce The Belly Over 50!
Forget the miracle powder or pill! We all have to deal with it. It's part of the ageing process. Watch these 4 short videos for doable tips and...
Comparing yourself with others? Guilty of this one?
Are you cursed with this? Comparisonitis! Unwillingly comparing yourself to others? I do it. Sometimes! And I know I shouldn’t. Because I tell...
Fed up with boring workouts! Here’s 6 ways to switch your workouts UP!
Over 50? Feel unmotivated to get your mat out because of the same old boring workouts? You’re going to come up with numerous reasons to avoid...
Don’t waste time stressing! How to ‘de-stress’ with these 12 habits!
Unless you’re some sort of Guru…..you’re probably not going to be Mz Calm & Serene 24/7. Especially not in this crazy world we live in. Get...
Posture & digestion. Crappy posture messes with your digestion!
Hunching? My Mum (bless her) has been a keep-fit enthusiast pretty much her whole life. She’s always been a strong, fit, capable woman. And has...