My husband rides 30 minutes in hardcore tourist-filled traffic to get to his gym. My girlfriend gets up at 5am to get to her 6am Yoga Class. And I...
Why routines are important. Especially after 50!
I grew up in a loud family. My Mum and Dad would argue like cat & dog. But the minute dinner guests arrived at home, which was often when I...
No time to workout? Try this….
I cycled 20 minutes in the dark. Did a 1 hour aerobics class. Cycled home. Showered. Ate…quickly. Then jumped in the car for the 30-40 min...
Comparing yourself with others? Guilty of this one?
Are you cursed with this? Comparisonitis! Unwillingly comparing yourself to others? I do it. Sometimes! And I know I shouldn’t. Because I tell...
8 Holistic habits! It’s NOT a downhill slope! Stay fit after 50!
There was a serious body-builder in my Master Personal Trainer course. It was many, many moons ago! But I remember he was extremely disciplined...
Get fit & strong and stop making excuses. You CAN do it over 50!
When I was 35 I came out of a 12 year relationship. It should have ended at 10 years. But like most relationships you drag them on to the bitter...
Over 50? You need a level playing field! Bio Identical Hormones!
“Oh sh…t what about my troches”! One of my first thoughts! March 2020 the world was going into lockdown and governments were screaming at their...
Over 50? Still doing the good New Years Resolutions thing? Don’t!
So what’s a good new years resolution? Straight up…don’t make it about health and fitness! New Years in Bali is in March - it’s the Hindu New Year...
Feeling crappy? What you focus on expands! Re-wire your brain!
As a young kid I used to watch my Nanna pluck the hairs out of her chin. And wonder why she had so many! AND why she wasn’t embarrassed about...
Should you step out of your comfort zone? Or stay in it?
In my early 30’s I had an obsession with succulents and cacti. I started a little (ultimately unsuccessful) business! Selling my unusual plants...
Going grey naturally! But where’s my silver locks!
"I've OVER dyeing my hair!" Time to go grey au naturelle! No more - Mucking around with the box set herbal dye! Being p….d off at the tuft of grey...
Got the dreaded over 50 weight gain? Look to your hormones first!
Why Me? When I was 20 I took a year off and went backpacking through Europe and part of the USA with my girlfriend. We had an amazing time. She’s...