
“Oh….this is BS!”

A lady I trained for 10 plus years used to say this every time I got her on the Trigger Point Roller!  She looked at me with disdain when I suggested she buy her own roller to use at home!  “Yeah…that’s NOT going to happen!”

But to her credit she went through the motions with me.  And never flat out refused.

And I agree…when you first use a roller…you need to get in touch with your deep breathing!  Cause it shows you instantly all the places on your body that are jammed and tight.  It hurts!

But with continued used….OMG…it feels so good afterwards.  And sometimes even during your roller session!

I think all women in this age bracket should invest in a Trigger Point Roller (any brand).  And use it regularly as part of your pre or post workout stretching routine.

Your muscles will love you for it!

Your body is covered from head to toe with a very fine layer of connective tissue called fascia…

When you’re….

  • Dehydrated…
  • Stressed…
  • Have been eating crappy food…
  • Drinking too much alcohol…
  • Training hard and not stretching enough…
  • Or not exercising at all…

…your fascia becomes tight and unforgiving!

This tightness can cause problems in your…

  • Joints…
  • Tendons and ligaments…
  • Muscles…
  • Flexibility…
  • Recovery time from exercise…
  • Posture…..and the list goes on!

So to keep that fascia flexible and moving freely…

Firstly…drink your 2.5-3 litres of water per day.

Secondly…use the roller.  Either daily or 2-3 x per week.

Getting headaches?

Or spent too much time hunched over the computer?  Try this lat muscle trigger point release exercise….

Now this one in particular isn’t the most pleasant exercise!  It will straight away tell you where you’re tight and need opening up.

Yeah it hurts!  But in a good way!  And the after effects are wonderful!  So it’s worth breathing deeply through it…and worth regularly doing it!

Check the demo video out below

You can use a long or short roller for this.

Then include it in your pre or post workout stretches 2-3 x per week.  OR every day if you’re dealing with neck and upper back issues.

Elaine Reynolds CoreStrength50plus


I’m Elaine,

A Master Personal Trainer of over 20 years.

Let me show you how to turn the body you said you’d never have over 50, into the body you LOVE!  With my holistic 20 minute workout programs.  You can find out more here…

Or join me in one of my muscle-toning FREEBIES below…