1978. My girlfriend and I were John Travolta obsessed! Both of our bedroom walls were covered in pouting, strutting images of Mr Travolta. All of...
Feeling stiff, tight & achy? Release your fascia!
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1978. My girlfriend and I were John Travolta obsessed! Both of our bedroom walls were covered in pouting, strutting images of Mr Travolta. All of...
Unless you’re some sort of Guru…..you’re probably not going to be Mz Calm & Serene 24/7. Especially not in this crazy world we live in. Get...
Hunching? My Mum (bless her) has been a keep-fit enthusiast pretty much her whole life. She’s always been a strong, fit, capable woman. And has...
Sleep for most of us over 50, becomes an elusive beast. Those crazy hormones messing with your sleeping rhythm! And how childishly happy are we,...