My husband rides 30 minutes in hardcore tourist-filled traffic to get to his gym. My girlfriend gets up at 5am to get to her 6am Yoga Class. And I...
Getting sore back muscles? Look to your CORE!
I’m an avid gardener. It’s my ‘happy place’. Well it’s one of them! I get it off my Mum…she’s 86 (at the time of writing this) and still on the...
Over 50? Get a few balance ball exercises in your routine!
The footpaths in Ubud are an exercise in balance, flexibility, agility and keeping your wits about you! Gaping holes, slippery hazards, gravel,...
Fed up with boring workouts! Here’s 6 ways to switch your workouts UP!
Over 50? Feel unmotivated to get your mat out because of the same old boring workouts? You’re going to come up with numerous reasons to avoid...
Hate pushups but want to do them? Try these pushup bars!
I had a bit of a hair disaster in 2023. I’d been 3 years with no hair dye and was STILL waiting for the gorgeous head of silver grey locks to...
Getting your Mums shape? Pear shaped body exercises!
If you feel like something went wrong in the body design department and your smaller upper body doesn’t always match your curvy lower body…I hear...
Got niggling aches & pains? Fix them – build a strong core!
My husbands an ex-body builder. I say this with an annoyed ‘eye-roll’! Oh the arguments! And ‘near on divorce scenarios’ we’ve had over the...
Procrastinating? There’ll never be a perfect time. So just do it now!
They say you should do one thing a day that scares you. I’m not sure who ‘they’ are, but I know it’s written on the LuLu-Lemon sales bags. Or used...
Get put off doing pushups? Try these knee pushup HOLDS!
I’m not a lover of pushups. But I do them because they give you great upper body definition and make you feel strong! Plus it’s a big boost for...
Get your fit ball out! Try the reverse plank! For strong abs!
How long you could hold a fitness plank used to be the deciding measurement of your core strength. This was years ago in the fitness industry when...
Want stand-tall posture? You’ve got to do TWISTS! Try this exercise!
My husband thinks I’m getting taller. Obviously not. Or I’d be a freak of nature. His training is all about heavy, heavy weights. Which works...
Avoid doing pushups? Try this knee pushup variation! You’ll feel super strong!
I have a love/hate relationship with them. Some days they feel HARD! BUT I LOVE how they firm-up your upper body and how STRONG they make you...