
FREE Toned Arms & Inner Thigh Workout…

Get Body-Shaping in Just 15 Minutes!

Busy? Keep Skipping Your Workouts?

  You DON’T Have to!

Get a taste of my Train SHORTER & SMARTER System!

Elaine Reynolds CoreStrength50plus warrior chest scoop 15 Minute Toned Arms

“…I totally love the programme and I’ve definitely seen a big difference in my arm strength. I even have nice shoulder definition now…” Louise

…Frankly, my arms are your best advertising – because people ask me what I do!….”  Mel

Never get the guilts again from having to skip your exercise time!  Get definition and strength in your arms with this 15 minute workout!  Training SHORTER & SMARTER is the key over 50!

Discover a streamlined and efficient way to train your over 50 body.    So even when you’re short on time, you get your workout done!

Stop avoiding sleeveless tops!  Get your confidence back with strong, toned arms.  And LOVE being over 50!

PLUS BONUS ‘5 Steps To Muscle Toning Over 50’.  These aren’t rocket science!  But DO them and watch your body become firm, toned and defined!

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