Got niggling aches & pains? Fix them – build a strong core!
My husbands an ex-body builder. I say this with an annoyed ‘eye-roll’! Oh the arguments! And ‘near on divorce scenarios’ we’ve had over the...
Can’t seem to shift the over 50 weight? Start clean eating now!
Animals know how, what and when to eat. The animals that don’t, are the ones that we domesticate. And screw up with our processed foods and...
Fix you’re over 50 achy knees and hips with this one daily stretch!
Got achy knees and hips? Look to your ITB’s! Your ‘iliotibial band’. The muscle that runs down the side of your thighs. These are tight in most...
Having the ‘can’t sleep’ issues during menopause? Read this!
Sleep for most of us over 50, becomes an elusive beast. Those crazy hormones messing with your sleeping rhythm! And how childishly happy are we,...
Procrastinating? There’ll never be a perfect time. So just do it now!
They say you should do one thing a day that scares you. I’m not sure who ‘they’ are, but I know it’s written on the LuLu-Lemon sales bags. Or used...
Get put off doing pushups? Try these knee pushup HOLDS!
I’m not a lover of pushups. But I do them because they give you great upper body definition and make you feel strong! Plus it’s a big boost for...
Get your fit ball out! Try the reverse plank! For strong abs!
How long you could hold a fitness plank used to be the deciding measurement of your core strength. This was years ago in the fitness industry when...
Want stand-tall posture? You’ve got to do TWISTS! Try this exercise!
My husband thinks I’m getting taller. Obviously not. Or I’d be a freak of nature. His training is all about heavy, heavy weights. Which works...
Aching lower back from too much sitting staring at a screen? Do this daily!
I used to have a little chuckle to myself when I saw gardening ads for strap on knee pads. Designed for people with hip issues who had to kneel...
Avoid doing pushups? Try this knee pushup variation! You’ll feel super strong!
I have a love/hate relationship with them. Some days they feel HARD! BUT I LOVE how they firm-up your upper body and how STRONG they make you...
Old training tricks not working anymore? Try these workout tips for women over 50!
I take all the shortcuts here in Ubud. Not just because they’re shorter and quicker! But when you’re on a pushbike you’re the lowest common...
Over 50? Work on your balance daily! Try this fit ball exercise!
I want to say “I love doing balance exercises” but that’s probably an over-statement. They’re challenging. Some days easier than others but 9...