Feel like you’ve got ‘no-will-power’? It’s not kind to your body or mind to be relying on sheer ‘will power’, to stop scoffing down foods that are going straight to your thighs!
Your ‘will power’ well, is in limited supply. You’re only human and at some point it’ll break!
Think about what consistently trips YOU up………remembering that everyone is different. The food weaknesses that challenge your will power, may be totally different from mine.
You need to have a will-power food strategy. If you have a strategy – you won’t have to rely on sheer will power to get you through the day.
A couple of my ‘Got-No-Will-Power’ strategies….
One: If I’m going out with a friend for dinner………I make a decision before I go.……..I can have wine OR sweets – but I can’t have both.
This strategy works for me. I never feel great when I’ve knocked back both. I feel bloated. So I still get to treat myself by choosing one. And to be honest – the wine option always wins for me!
Two: I LOVE cashew or almond butter…..….it’s hard for me to resist. Give me a jar and a spoon and my will power is pushed to the limits!
There’s nothing wrong with nut butter – it’s a healthy fat in…..moderation. But I’m NOT moderate with it. So my strategy is to buy a jar once in a while and enjoy it – but I can’t buy it weekly.
What tests your will power?
Think about it, write them down and plan a will-power strategy for each.
Life can be challenging enough without having to beat yourself up, over bingeing on ‘I can’t resist it’ food choices.
Never totally deny yourself something though. Put the strategies in place so when you want to indulge – it’s a guilt-free yummy treat for you.
Following a challenging training program makes it sooooooo much easier to make the right food choices…
You feel strong, you feel flexible AND your body feels alive! You WANT to respect it with clean, organic, life giving foods.
So take the time to plan your No-Will-Power strategy! We all have to do it!
I’m Elaine,
A Master Personal Trainer of over 20 years.
Let me show you how to turn the body you said you’d never have over 50, into the body you LOVE! With my holistic 20 minute workout programs. You can find out more here…
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