
1978.  My girlfriend and I were John Travolta obsessed!  Both of our bedroom walls were covered in pouting, strutting images of Mr Travolta.  All of our conversations were peppered with ‘John’ references and daydreams.

After school and on weekends we’d re-create all the Saturday Night Fever and Grease moves…wondering why John hadn’t chosen us to be his ‘dancer/lover’ partner in his movies!  I mean…what was he thinking!  Look how we danced!!

44 years ago!  That was the last time I saw my girlfriend.  She changed schools and we drifted apart.

Now 44 years later I met her for coffee while I was in NZ recently and it truely felt like nothing had changed!  We laughed and reminisced for 2.5 hrs.  The mark of an enduring friendship!

One thing that came up in conversation was the stock standard over 50’s complaint…feeling ’stiff & achy’!

If you feel like you’re in this ’stiff & achy’ category for too many hours of the day, start doing some…

Fascia release…

Joint stiffness and aches & pains are part of the natural ageing process…

Your hormonal fluctuations which result in less oestrogen cause a reduction in collagen.  This means the quality of your fascia, joints, tendons and ligaments goes south!  It is what it is.  For all of us.

Because we’re in an age in history where we spend way too much time on our butts…

…your connective tissue (fascia, joints, tendons, ligaments) gets sticky…purely through lack of movement.  Your fascia texture tightens and causes your body to get sort of gluey.  The layers of connective tissue on your body should flow smoothly and glide when you move.  But from the daily lack of movement that ‘gliding’ turns to ‘stiff & jerky’ movement!

I also believe what you put your body through in your younger years…

…comes back to haunt you when you hit this over 50 age bracket!  Couple that with a culture that is geared towards sitting and you end up with an unhappy body.  You were designed to move and work your muscles!   No matter how old you are.

    Firstly….don’t feel like doing your workout?

    DO IT!  Ignore that ‘poor me’ voice in your head trying to talk yourself out of it.  We all have it.  Me included!  I truely don’t feel like working out every morning.  But I put that BS voice to the back of my mind and I go through the routine of getting myself set up and ready to train.  And I’ve never once regretted it.  You feel like a new woman…in body and mind after a muscle strengthening and lengthening routine.

    Secondly….release your fascia…

    This is the age to do it.  Don’t underestimate the long and short term benefits for your skin, joints, tight muscles and aches & pains.  It takes a few minutes every morning.  And trust me, you’ll become addicted to it.

    It’s super easy to do when you have a Fascia Blaster Tool…

    I highly recommend the Ashley Black Mini.  I’m in no way affiliated with them but just love this tool!  I find it much easier to use than the longer Fascia Blaster and you can travel with it too.  You can check it out here…

    And read more about the wonders of your fascia here…

    Elaine Reynolds CoreStrength50plus


    I’m Elaine,

    A Master Personal Trainer of over 20 years.

    Let me show you how to turn the body you said you’d never have over 50, into the body you LOVE!  With my holistic 20 minute workout programs.  You can find out more here…

    Or grab one of my muscle-toning FREEBIES below….