Get Fit and Toned over 50 with fast home workouts

Is your body turning into the body you said you’d never have?

Train SHORTER & SMARTER With 20 Minute Dynamic Flow Workouts!

Muscle Toning, Joint-Protecting & Fat-Burning!

ZenStrength 50plus Holistic Body-Shaping Program

Doors Open January 2025…

Is your body turning into the body you said you’d never have?

Train SHORTER & SMARTER with 20 minute workouts!

Goddess squat with side twist holding roller

ZenStrength Holistic Body Shaping Program

Doors Open January 2025…

looking at your diary for tomorrow……

Got that sinking feeling? You wonder how you’re going to fit everything in and can feel the anxiety levels rising as you mentally run through what you’ve got to do.  Before you bolt out the door to work!

Straight away it feels like a no-brainer.  The first thing that needs to go off your list, is your workout time!  There’s NO way you’re going to be able to drive to your class, do the class and drive home.  Without being in a state of panic that you’re going to be late for your first appointment!

Plus your old training tricks just aren’t working anymore.  And you’re getting fed-up with doing the work but not getting results!   Your body feels bloated and sluggish.  You’re feeling stiff and sore when you get up in the morning.  And it’s draining your energy.

Exercising has become a struggle and you’ve lost that joy it used to give you.   You just don’t know where to begin with this menopausal version of yourself.

But you promise yourself you’ll exercise after work.  By that stage though your energy levels are close to zero.   It’s time to get home, put your feet up and pour an icy cold glass of wine!   So you push that niggle of guilt to the back of your mind….”it’s ok” you say,  you’ll do it tomorrow.  And then tomorrow…..the same thing!


Sound familiar?

Or somewhat familiar?

I totally get it.  For years I’ve trained busy men and women over 50.  And I’ve seen the buzz of energy they get…..when they make their daily workouts non-negotiable.  They PLAN their work life around their exercise time.  Not the other way around.

They prioritise making their body strong and flexible. It’s a game-changer for how you handle your work load.  And how you view your work/life balance.

There’s enough in your day to think about, to strategise, to organise and to delegate.   You don’t need the added job of trying to figure out what you should be doing with your over 50 body each morning!

You understand the fitter and stronger you feel, you’re naturally going to be less stiff and achy.  All that sitting and computer work is not your friend!

You know an energised body equals an energised mind. You’ll be mentally sharper and calmer in your business life and home life.

Maybe you want the energy to play with your grandkids.  Or plan an adventure style hiking holiday.

OR maybe you just WANT that self-assured YOU thats disappeared over the years, BACK!  You no longer want to feel ‘invisible’ and like you’ve faded into the background.

AND you love the sensation of being strong!  It’s time to be the fit, healthy, athletic woman you know you can be.

Corestrength50plus.com ZenStrength50plus Elaine Reynolds riding a bike

Even though you know this, you need a SYSTEM and a PLAN to follow…

  Let me show you how with the Train SHORTER & SMARTER

20 minute Dynamic Flow workouts in ZenStrength!

CoreStrength50plus membership online workouts

“….Your program is so much more than a virtual experience, you’ve made it uniquely personal amid an incredibly impersonal time in our lives……I felt out of sorts, active but not consistent. Your routines and committing to this program changed that…people ask me what I do!  I truly felt I had a personal trainer in the room with me….”

Mel Greenberg – www.melmediallc.com

what if you could….

…have toned arm muscles?  So no more heading to the ‘baggy’ section of the wardrobe and avoiding sleeveless tops.

…get rid of the flat butt blues? Fire up and work your butt muscles.  And protect your lower back, hips, pelvis and knees at the same time.  Perky butt here you come!

…stop the slouch?  Start using the muscles that give you stand-tall posture.  Change the way you move, the way you feel and the way you look!

….get the zen back in your day. Breathing, meditation and proven habits to chill-out and de-stress your mind.

….not get bored doing the same workouts over and over again….with little result for your time and effort?  Two new Training Calendar choices and a unique workout sequence every month.  You WON’T get bored with the Train SHORTER & SMARTER system of ZenStrength!

…stop making excuses for why you can’t fit in a workout today?  You CAN do it with 20 minute muscle-toning, body-strengthening, body-lengthening & fat-burning dynamic flow workouts.

….not have to scroll through You-Tube looking for workouts suitable for your 50 body?  There’s no random overwhelm of workouts in ZenStrength.  Just follow your Training Calendar. And get results!

….have a Master Trainer designed workout plan at your fingertips?  With weekly access to a Master Trainer for advice!  And all you have to do is log-in to your ZenStrength50plus program each day!


“….Your combo of weights and yoga is an absolute winner and the balance challenges are critical for older women….I can see my body has changed, especially upper body and leg endurance and I notice the increased strength and endurance I have when I’m doing my Pilates workouts…..this is the best $ I’ve spent on exercise support, the workouts are fun, varied and challenging…”  Meri


“…I can’t begin to tell you how many programs I’ve purchased over the years. Either too difficult or no interest past the first few weeks. With ZenStrength I actually look forward to my workouts and reading your emails. You’re helping me transform my body and mind.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  So thankful I found you. Don’t change a thing….”  A.B.

…you don’t have to

put up

with the crappy things


to your body

after 50!

so if you…..


...keep skipping your workouts. You’re a busy professional in a high stress job and have little time…


...thought you could keep doing the same exercise routines you did in your 30’s and 40’s. But none of your old tricks are working anymore…


...love to stretch and exercise but feel defeated. Your current routines are just leaving you tight and sore…


...have enough decisions to make in a day. So you don’t want to have to make them about your workout time. You want a plan that works for you and your lifestyle…


...are in the hormonal dance of this age bracket! And feel like you’re yo-yo-ing with your weight and gaining belly fat…


...can’t work out the way you used to. You keep getting achy joints after lifting your usual weights and just can’t seem to shift the weight…


...just feel plain fed up with your body and what’s happening to it…


...sit most of the day for your job and your butt and hip muscles are on fire…..


...feel like you’ve tried everything else…and are at the verge of just giving up…

…then ZenStrength is for YOU!

How does ZenStrength work…..

ZenStrength is three 16 week robust, programs in one!


I’ve bundled these 3 programs together

because you NEED all 3

to get the body you deserve over 50!


Lean toned muscles,

’touch your toes’ flexibility

and a strong & supple core…..

Rice paddy view hamstring stretch corestrength50plus


All workouts are sequenced with two monthly Training Calendar options.  You’ll know exactly what you need to do each month, to get the best results for your body.  No trying to figure out what you should do each day.


One piece of holistic body-changing, habit-forming info.  So you’re not overwhelmed and you get time to take things on-board!


Weekly – access to me!   I’m a 58 year old Master Personal Trainer….and trained Yoga Teacher.   With 20 years experience in trialling and perfecting different training styles. And you will be talking to me not a team member!

I get where you're at...

I’ve designed unique muscle-toning, body-strengthening, body-lengthening and fat-burning 20 minute, dynamic flow workouts.  And I understand what a woman’s body and mind needs in this age bracket.

CoreStrength50plus membership online workouts

Join The Waitlist And Change Your Body With These 3 Body-Shaping Programs….

16 week Lengthen & Strengthen Your Body…

16 week Lose Body Fat & Build Muscle…

16 week Core Strong & Body Toned…

Each program features its own unique

20 minute workouts


With BONUS Challenge Months, a library of rehab and exercise demo videos and all yearly updates included.   Plus you get unlimited access.

ZenStrength is designed to progress you with challenging workout sequences!

I’ve learnt from over 20 years of training people boredom is the killer!

But you WON’T get bored with the variety of workouts in ZenStrength!

Plus….I teach you consistency!

Consistency WILL change your body and when you know it’s only a 20 minute commitment you’ll WANT to get your mat out!

You have 14 days to try this robust program.  Do the workouts.  If you don’t feel or see a difference in your body and mind…email me and I’ll happily refund your money.

Glute exercises for women with bamboo stick

Don’t train longer & harder

over 50

try my



20 minute workouts!


“…My hesitations about signing up for ZenStrength were would I like it? Or stick to it?  Would it be too hard? …..I felt ’out of touch’ with my body, gaining weight and unmotivated….and now I feel stronger, more confident generally, motivated and positive – with a focus….I’m really enjoying the program and feel you’ve got everything right!….”  Belinda

Want a sneak peek inside ZenStrength?

I recorded this video walk-through

so you can see what you’re getting in the program

and how easy it is to navigate…

Doors open January 2025 for ZenStrength.


Hit the link below – enter your email AND type ‘Yes Zen’ in the message box.


“…It’s challenging but not too taxing so as to put you off…and it’s not for beginners. It was perfect for me at the level it is….I feel stronger….my flexibility is better, my glutes are stronger, my arms are getting some definition again….I actually feel more like myself!….”  Jalna


“…your wonderful exercise program has sustained and built my strength and fitness.  I love your program and wanted to thank you…I’ve been with it for 12 months and feel the effects….definite strengthening in my core, arms and legs and I feel fantastic afterwards. My neck weakness is improving too…”  Claire C.