Butt muscles done a disappearing act?
Fed up with achy hips, sore knees & back?
Make your glutes STRONG over 50!

The Perky Butt & Hip Strengthening Program
20 minute challenging perky butt workouts for women!
Say ‘goodbye’ to sleepy butt muscles!
It’s 5pm and you realise you’ve spent a ‘long’ 8 hrs sitting looking at a computer screen. Without much moving around! Your neck is stiff, shoulders are sore and your hips feel like they’re on fire!
When you finally get out of your chair, your knees and back are catching!
The thought of doing a workout now is ‘urgh’! And you don’t know what to do to get rid of the tightness in your body. The couch, a glass of wine and some anti-inflammatories are calling!
To top it off, you’re wondering where your sleepy butt muscles have disappeared to! You’ve been exercising them in your workouts but nothings changing! It’s still a ‘flat butt’ situation!

This sound familiar? Or somewhat familiar?
Either way, you’ve felt like giving up on your old routines out of frustration!
But don’t give up! All women over 50 experience loss of muscle tone in the glutes. So you’re not alone! You can thank your out of control hormones! But it’s fixable! And you MUST fix it. You need to keep this 3 part glute muscle group strong over 50.
Full perky butt muscles not only give your body shape! But when these muscles are fired up and working you WILL 100% feel a difference in your knees, hips, pelvic floor and even your shoulders! Yes…sleepy glutes affect your neck and shoulders! And not in a good way!
Firm these butt muscles up and get your stand-tall posture back. And let go of the hunching at the computer and slouching on the couch! Which is killing your back! This muscle group is responsible for a LOT in your body.
Train this group of muscles right over 50! You’ll cut back on all those “I’m so sore” visits to your Masseuse, Physio or Chiro!
So if any of this below is you…you’re in the right place…

...butt muscles on fire from sitting all day? Keeping these muscles strong is not optional. It’s a must!…
...thought you could keep doing the same exercise routines you did in your 30’s and 40’s! But none of your old tricks are working anymore…
...lower back and hips starting to ache? Strong butt muscles support your posture, back, knees, hips and joints. Sleepy butt muscles negatively affect your whole body!...
...feel like you’ve tried everything else…and are at the verge of just giving up…
...finding the glute exercises you’re used to, just not working anymore? They’re aggravating your body & joints? Time for a NEW way of working out over 50...
...want to continue to work out in a way that's not toxic to your body…
…My Train SHORTER & SMARTER Body Shaping System For Women Over 50!
“…Your program has been life changing for me….. I love the video presentation, your explanation of how to do it, and showing us the correct form….. I was unsure how to proceed to keep fit….my hubby’s exercise regime is not suited to me and I love that I have my own now…..I’m much stronger…”
Claire C.
“…I can’t begin to tell you how many programs I’ve purchased over the years. Either too difficult or no interest past the first few weeks. With your program I actually look forward to my workouts and reading your emails. You’re helping me transform my body and mind. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know I’ve said this before, YOU ARE AWESOME! So thankful I found you. Don’t change a thing….”

The Perky Butt & Hip Strengthening Program is for you, if you want…….
...strong, glute muscles that switch on and off when needed! You don't want them gripping all the time! It creates tension in your body!
...to strengthen your hip and pelvic floor area. Without wrecking yourself!
...workouts that target your flat butt area. But also work your upper body. To give you an all-over body routine!
...to work on your balance. Balance style exercises get the stabilising muscles in your body firing up to protect your joints!
...to have 'stand-tall' posture. Dynamic movements will lengthen & strengthen your body.
...to stop skipping your workouts. You always feel pressed for time. But you CAN do it in 20 minutes! With consistency!
...to challenge yourself with different moves so you stop the boredom. And stop dreading your workouts!
...someone who understands your 50 plus body? I’m a 59 year old Master Personal Trainer. I get where you’re at!
You can CHANGE your BODY at any age!

“….this program is ideal for women who aren’t beginners…..your combo of weights and yoga is an absolute winner…and the balance challenges are critical for older women…. I can see my body has changed, especially upper body and leg endurance…this is the best $ I’ve spent on exercise support…the workouts are fun, varied and challenging….”
Say goodbye to achy hips and back & knee niggles…
Get rid of sleepy butt muscles and…
change the way you stand, move and feel…
What you get…
My Train SHORTER & SMARTER Body Shaping System of
20 minute video workouts designed in two 10 minute rounds
Don’t have time? Just do 10 minutes
It’s all about the consistency!

Dynamic flow workout videos
2 training calendar options
So you know what to do and when to do it. No more guess work! Need more of a challenge? Try the other option!
Weekly encouragement emails
Weekly holistic training tips & body boosting habits
In video AND printable. These are body changing! Layer them into your life and you’ll see your energy and motivation levels take-off.
Motivation Mojo Booster Videos
Put these 3 into play and the on-again/off-again cycle of exercising will be a thing of the past!
Bonus Workouts
Clean Up Your Eating!
Confused by what you should be eating? You’re not alone! Get the crap out of your cupboards! And give this style of eating a go. It’s proven for women in this age bracket.
You don’t have to…
Commit to a pricey gym membership - get bored, stop going but keep paying your monthly instalments - just in case you change your mind!
Spend an hour working out. Who has the time!
Sit in traffic for 20-30 minutes. Getting to your class stressed and annoyed!
Buy lots of expensive equipment that ends up shoved in the corner of your garage!
Worry about what you’re wearing! No-ones going to see you!
BONUS 2 Program Bundle – ENDS THURSDAY!
When you buy The Lengthen & Strengthen Your Body Program
you get this Perky Butt Program too!
With on-going unlimited access!
Join Me Here…
More ‘love’ from women who’ve tried this style of training……
“…Never thought I needed help keeping fit….I felt ’out of touch’ with my body, gaining weight and unmotivated. I feel stronger…more confident, positive…with a focus. Easy to follow….motivational and a flexible program to suit my progress/improvement Great presentation. You have a natural and calm delivery. Motivational videos are very helpful. I’d recommend this program to women in their 50’s…”
Belinda S.
“…Really enjoying the program and am definitely feeling and seeing changes – actually I’ve never stuck to a program this consistently or as long, before yours! I feel stronger….my flexibility is better…..my glutes are stronger….my arms are getting some definition again….I actually feel a bit more like myself!….it’s not for beginners. I liked that it wasn’t too easy – it’s challenging enough to be effective…”
“….Your program is so much more than a virtual experience. You’ve made it uniquely personal amid an incredibly impersonal time in our lives……I felt out of sorts, active but not consistent. Your routines and committing to this program changed that…people ask me what I do! I truly felt I had a personal trainer in the room with me….”
Mel Greenberg – www.melmediallc.com