
Day Two –

of the

Limited Time

Train SMARTER Video Series!

Don’t train longer & harder over 50!

Missed Day One?  You can check the videos out here…..they’e short & sweet and easy to consume….Start With Your Feet…

Don’t feel like reading this?  Then scroll down and watch the video below…

The biggest muscle group in your body!

Your glutes (butt, derriere – whatever you like to call it) form part of your CORE muscles.  They play a big role in how you move, sit, stand and your posture.  AND whether or not you end up with lots of nagging knee, hip and back issues!

Genetics and ageing play a part in having ‘flat butt’ issues.  Your genes determine the general shape of your butt and ageing depletes the fullness and strength in it!

When you’re in your ‘child bearing years’ your oestrogen levels help you store fat in your butt.  Giving it a perky full appearance!  As you age the hormonal changes of menopause causes lower levels of oestrogen.  Which takes that lovely full strong, butt away!

There are 3 parts to your GLUTE muscle group…

  • Gluteus maximus – the meaty part of your butt…at the back.
  • Gluteus medius – the side muscles of your butt (higher up)…they have a fan-like shape.
  • Gluteus minimus – the deepest and smallest of the muscles (slightly lower than the gluteus medius above) and similar in shape and function.

They all play an important role.  So it makes sense to target all 3 parts when you do glute work in your exercise routine.

We ALL sit too much! 

It’s the ‘staring at a screen’ world we live in.  Which probably won’t be changing anytime soon!  This endless sitting causes your hip flexor muscles (at the top and front of your leg) to tighten.   And your glute muscles to lengthen and weaken.  Giving you sleepy butt muscles!

Starting to slouch? Look to your glutes!  These 3 glute muscle groups work with your brain to give you the power to hold your body up, as gravity naturally tries to pull it the other way!

They’re the protectors of your hip joint. Without that protection your hip is in for a whole lot of achy, grinding times ahead!

They support your pelvis.  If they’re weak and not firing up your pelvic floor is affected.

So if you’ve got….

  • a stiff sore lower back…
  • niggling achy knees…
  • pelvic floor issues…
  • ongoing neck and shoulder tightness…

…look to your glutes!

But you don’t want these glute muscles ‘gripping’ all the time.  That just creates more tension in your body.  And this age is all about releasing the tension caused by our whacky hormone levels!

You want to train your glute muscles to ‘switch on & switch off’ as needed.  And it’s all about the way you exercise them and the movements you use.

Butt Booster Sequence!

Doing isolated repetitive exercises for each body part can get BORING!  Well it does for me.  I like flowing and moving in my exercise routine.  Lengthening my body whilst working on targeted muscle groups.  So you get the strengthening AND lengthening together in one workout!

Dynamic movements are the way to train to lengthen your muscles.  And get your muscles, particularly your glutes, switching on and off as needed.

Dynamic movements stop your joints from becoming sticky!   And keep your mind and body challenged in your workouts.  Try out this Butt Boosting flow routine…

What you need:

Broom handle or sturdy stick

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Elaine Reynolds CoreStrength50plus


I’m Elaine,

A Master Personal Trainer of over 20 years.

If you have any questions about this Train Smarter Video Series, just hit the link below….