
20 Minute Butt Booster with Light DB’s

Try This Workout…..

If you enjoy it and get benefit from it….bookmark this page so you can add it to your weekly routine.  OR copy the URL of this page to a document on your desktop.  Then you can easily access it.

When you first do a workout, whether online or in person, you might not always be in time with the instructor.  Be patient and kind to yourself.  It might take a couple of times through to get the flow!

What you need:

2 x 1kilo (2lbs) or 1.5kilo (3lbs) DB’s

Yoga Mat

Favourite Workout Music

Training Tips:

IMPORTANT:  Make sure you stretch before you start.  AND stretch when you’ve finished.  Stretching is non-negotiable over 50!

Elaine Reynolds CoreStrength50plus


I’m Elaine,

A Master Personal Trainer of over 20 years.

Let me show you how to turn the body you said you’d never have over 50, into the body you LOVE!  With my holistic 20 minute workout programs.  You can find out more here…