Copy – Freebie SIGN UP Survey START JULY 2023 ZenStrength....Were you considering joining ZenStrength50plus? Or not considering it at all?…ConsideringNot consideringWhich of the following played a role in your decision NOT to buy? Choose as many as you like…I don’t feel I have time to commit to a plan….I don’t want to spend that amount of money at this time….I didn’t see enough value in the FREE 3 part video series…I’m not sure this program can help me….I don’t understand how it works…The price feels a bit low for life-time access, so I can’t see the value in the program…I’m not interested in home workouts…..Were there any other particular points that made you hesitate to sign up for the ZenStrength50plus Membership? What would be a game-changer for you to want to join up? (Remember it’s totally anonymous)…